Monday, March 15, 2010


After enduring the endless, colourless , political speak, spin, posturing and blarney ,what a joy it is to hear Paul Keating on the airwaves. While being interviewed by Fran Kelly on the ABC's Radio National about the shortcomings in the national superannuation scheme, his big picture view, ability to explain complicated issues and delightful jibes were refreshing. As usual, his scorn for Little Johnny Howard was evident – variously calling him a tart, driving Australia forward looking in the rear vision mirror, his conservative government being strangely against thrift by cutting back on super .

Dealing with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, he described him as Little Johnny’s Little Johnny , an intellectual nothing , with no thought out policies. God help Australia, he continued, if the Coalition got in as they could not be trusted with a jam jar full of five cent pieces. Barnaby Joyce he dubbed the son of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
The Rudd government, he declared, deserved to be re-elected just for the one fact alone that it had saved Australia from the economic holocaust that had engulfed so much of the world. Now it was turning its attention to the structural changes , neglected for so long, which had to be faced for the nation to progress.