Sunday, July 4, 2010


Minister for Housing and Manager of Government Business in the NT Legislative Assembly, Dr Chris Burns, is apparently a fan of political journalist, author and commentator Mungo MacCallum . After Mungo delivered a speech about the shortcomings of the Australian press, Dr Burns got him to autograph one of his books and they had a short, animated discussion at the podium. Mungo was heard impishly warning the minister there were political situations in the book which he would not like to see duplicated in the Territory. Wonder what they were ?
The veteran journo was on the Canberra political beat when somebody in high office chundered into the swimming pool at The Lodge and the shock horror news came through that Andrew Peacock's hair had turned prematurely black. Nevertheless , he received little media coverage locally- a short interview by Vicki Kerrigan of the ABC. He was, however, seen consorting with other scribes at study luncheons .