Monday, September 20, 2010


Well, children, here is a scarry story about grumpy , groaning , gormless, growling gremlins like Dr Seuss’s Grinches which will no doubt make you wet the bed tonight . The first Grinch, you will recall, was that naughty grouch who stole Christmas and upset the funny, purring pussycat in one of the Queen Mother’s many hats.

This latest , well - illustrated book, you can see, is about a whole mess of Aussie Grinches –local bad boys and girls known as the Coalition -who want to steal the wholesome Australia government . No , Little Nell, Coalitions are not the same as Incontinents , that’s what Mummy and Daddy call you and your brother when we wake you each morning.

Here we go ... Once upon a time , the Leader of Opposition Bitchiness , a whining Grinch, called in his mentor ,Old Nick , and they drew up a plot to take over the playground, smash garden gnomes and allow carpetbaggers with shovels to run off with all the yummy lollies. In the process, anything green would be sprayed with acid and subjected to offensive graffiti .

Princess Julia was having a bad hair day when a faceless Spangled Drongo informed her that the Grinches were planning to run amok and steal her return ticket to fairyland. If successful,she would be left stumbling about in the dark with a Hurricane lamp like Florence Nightingale in the blood soaked Crimea.