Saturday, December 18, 2010


When the Chief Minister announces he intends jumping about in the mosh pit at the annual bash in the bush Christmas show at the Botanical Gardens,we believe it is time for a return to the innocent Xmas pantomimes of a century ago. In this Jack and Jill Waltz illustration there is the old woman who had so many children she lived in a shoe-obviously a reference to the Darwin housing shortage . It is not only Jill who is exposing her bloomers,there have been more bloomers in the Legislative Assembly debates than the amount of women's and children's underwear in the constant 30 percent off sale at Target. And is that water or oil that clumsy Jack is spilling ?As an indication of the once great popularity of pantomimes , Little Darwin has a folder of sheet music covers from pantos in which it is stated that catchy tunes from The House That Jack Built pantomime, including A-N-Z-A-C, sung, whistled and played throughout the length and breadth of the nation, had been sweeping the country like a cyclone .