Saturday, September 10, 2011


News from Queensland is that longtime Territory activist and keen fisherman, a former senior lecturer in Social Policy, School of Humanities and Human Services, at QUT, Dr John Tomlinson, has sold his boat-White Knight- its hull bearing many campaign stickers going back years, some related to Territory issues. A previous boat he owned in Darwin was called Yellow Peril , and he liked scaring port authorities by announcing over the radio that the vessel with the invasive name was about to enter the harbour. A government social worker here, he was closely associated with another great activist, agronomist Rob Wesley-Smith, now of Howard Springs . The two were deeply involved in setting up the NT Civil Liberties Council and participated in efforts to help East Timor during the Indonesian invasion . Our photo shows Tomlinson on his last fishing trip to Darwin with his smart fishing and safari outfit in the grounds of the Wesley-Smith ranch, in readiness for a raid on the Roper River . John,as they say, has bigger fish to fry, concerning the poor and underprivileged of the world, details of which will be revealed in a later post.