Friday, October 14, 2011


* These spiders deserve a soothing French kiss on both cheeks.

Arachnologists of the world unite! Sign Little Darwin’s petition to French president Nicolas Sarkozy demanding he stop spiders getting such bad parts in the fascinating TV series, Minuscule , filmed in La Belle France, played on the ABC.

Without exception, spiders, especially that cute, black, sad–eyed, little spinner, are always thwarted by insects and subjected to all kinds of indignities. Apart from being the centre of haute couture , Paris is also the headquarters for the study of arachnology- spiders.

So you would think that the French would have more respect for spiders which play a vital part in keeping down insect numbers in agriculture, without the need for toxic sprays in our tucker.

Spiders receive lousy treatment in the otherwise brilliant Minuscule series,produced by Futurikon in conjunction with France 2 and the Disney Channel.

In comparison, that cheeky ladybird gets away with all kinds of outrageous acts , ripping spider webs, dive bombing slow snails, infuriating blowflies harmlessly picnicking in smelly garbage bins, blowing raspberries at busy bees and even taunting hard working ants. One episode in which the nice spider was able to turn a plastic stick from a lollypop into a swing is no recompense for the indignities meted out to the poor blighter.

President Sarkozy should give thought to protecting French spiders while bombing creepy crawly Gaddafi , trying to save the Euro and the EU and frequently hugging and kissing Angela Merkel in public, a diplomatic act which he performs with excessive enthusiasm, prompting Mrs Sarkozy to give him an earful in the confines of one of the 1000 Palace of Versailles boudoirs.