Friday, March 9, 2012


Bossom buddies-- Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb- - have fleshed out some of the Coalition’s long awaited economic policies . Briefly , the message for Australian workers is that they will be stripped naked if the Tories become government, with ever growing , confusing plans to slash and burn . Hulking Joe Hockey outlined the policies at a packed Press Club luncheon in Canberra. Instead of using power points and graphs , he went for nude window display dummies, above, from David Jones to explain how we will be turned into a nation of strippers , pole dancers and streakers at cricket and football matches . NOTE: The green hat was placed on the J-curve (an expression much used by economists and heavy breathers on telephones ) model in a desperate bid to win the Irish vote for the Mad Monk - or MALCOLM -at the federal election .

Buddy Robb was not present because he was double checking Hockey’s figures , suspecting cosmetic surgery in two key areas had caused them to bulge uncontrollably,like Mae West. Robb wants to reduce the figures to more manageable sizes , attractive as Raquel Welch, but with a modest A cup. So as not to offend sensitive readers, Little Darwin air-brushed some of the naughty bits out of the Coalition nudes , including the hidden bottom lines, bottom of the harbour schemes so beloved by the Libs , and even tried filling in the distracting belly buttons with Greek putty , but ran out of sovereign debt and Euros.