Sunday, April 8, 2012


The angry Easter Bunny has lodged a complaint with Fair Work Australia that NT Health Minister Kon Vatskalis repeatedly muscles in on his territory. Before the Easter Bunny got a chance to visit Royal Darwin Hospital to spread goodwill and cheer, Minister Vatskalis was seen hopping about the wards in front of a TV camera handing out eggs to startled children , warned never to take lollies from strange men, and hallucinating adult hip replacement patients . By the time the dear old Easter Bunny arrived some of the children ha d spewed over the bedclothes and nurses because they ate too many chocolate eggs, including the tinfoil wrapping , passed out by Vatskalis. Easter Bunny vowed he would set rabbit traps throughout RDH next Easter in the hope that the minister would put his foot in it . A spokesman for Fair Work Australia said it would take three years to investigate and report by which time the minister could be moonlighting as Santa and the Easter Bunny may well be part of a felt hat .