Tuesday, April 15, 2014


TOKYO :  Honourable  Trade  and Junk Food Investment   Minister ,   Andrew   Robb - san ,  above , today announced  that Japan  has agreed to  take large shipments of  obese   Australians  to be used as  disposable  training  fodder  in  sumo  wrestling  boot  camps . With  the   help  of  cattle  prods , the  first shipment   of   fats   will be loaded  aboard  a  converted bumboat   next  week   and   leave  Townsville , North  Queensland , for the  lucrative new  Japanese market  .  Minister  Robb  said  the   shipment  will  consist of  pot-bellied  cattlemen ,  waddling  local  government  members  , rotund   pollies ,   jowly journalists   and    assorted other  overweight  mugwumps.  In  Japan , the  Australians  will  become  slap - happy  grunt    partners  for   Nippon's champion  sumo  wrestlers . The   average   sumo   wrestler  squashes   20  training  opponents  a  day.  As  the  Japanese  demand   for    Aussie  Michelin Men    increases,  Robb   pointed  out ,  the  baby  boomer population  would  be  greatly reduced,  the  health  bill would  decrease  by   billions  of   yen  and pensioners  would  receive  a  free  bottle  of  saki  from  the little trimmers in the  federal government   each Leap  Year... another you  beaut win-win situation.  The minister  said  he  could  even  see  a   market  opening  up  in Japan  for  a similar  junior league  sumo wrestling   scheme  involving   tubby   Aussie  schoolkids  hooked  on  junk  food and softdrinks which  glow in the dark . This  would   be   promoted  under  the  sporting  title ,  Little   Whopper  Nippers.