Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The East Timor News Service  has  circulated a report on the recent  death  in  Darwin Hospital  of  Kevin Sherlock  , 80 ,  who   filled his  small   unit  with  an  invaluable   massive  archive   on   East  Timor. In part , it  said:
Many years ago, Kevin chose to commit his considerable talent to researching and archiving information on East Timor. Self-funded and using his compact flat to shelve an ever-increasing collection of documents, Kevin stuck to his mission over many decades with unflagging commitment, meticulous attention to detail, and generosity of spirit. Through his efforts, which included learning Portuguese, travelling to archives in Maucau and Lisbon to collect and transcribe archival information, preparing detailed bibliographical materials,  making his growing collection available to scholars, and providing expert commentary on manuscripts, Kevin assisted a succession of writers to learn about East Timor and communicate its history to others. In recognition of his work over the years, in 2010 the Parliament of Timor-Leste awarded him the Princess  Grace  of  Monaco  medal.
In a world in which access to information is increasingly characterised by the internet, email and social media, Kevin remained a hard copy man with a photocopier in his flat, always ready to copy a document and post it to a researcher. Kevin bequeathed his  valuable collection to the Charles Darwin University library, through which it  will  eventually be accessible to researchers again.

 See http://timorarchives.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/visiting-kevin-sherlock/

Sherlock's  ashes were to be scattered  in  East Timor . Little  Darwin  plans to start  a  series  called   the   EAST  TIMOR  PAPERS   in  the  near  future.