Thursday, February 25, 2016


With  increasing  evidence of the Americanisation of   Australia's  way of  life-especially in the workplace,  health and education- the  American impact on  pronunciation  of  expressive  French/Anglo  words  is  becoming  irksome.

Take the  old , important  position in  local government,Town  Clerk, the Clerk  expressed  under  Queen's English  as  CLARK. But , on several occasions , on commercial  TV and  the ABC,  which  should  know better , it  has  been  heard  pronounced  the   infuriating  Yankee way,   CLERK .  

And , gnash, gnash, there is the  oft heard  offensive  mouthing of  ROUTE and ROUTED , which  should be  ROOT  and  ROOTED, but is  increasingly  heard  as  ROWT  and  ROWTED ! Australian politicians, academics and  reporters  are  among the offenders  who  ought  be boiled in oil or guillotined  a la  French  for  committing  this  verbal   offence .

A minister in  the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly was  repeatedly  heard    say  vital  equipment   from  interstate  bound  for  Darwin after a power station blew up   was   being  ROWTED  via a  long way  because  of  flooding.   For this gross sin against  the  use of  English,  he was attacked by an angry  Plover  when  he  went  outside onto  the lawn  . Three cheers  for  the  patriotic Plover which  was  protecting   its  patch  and  the  Mother Tongue .

 In  the current sitting of  the  House of Representatives , Immigration  and Border Protection  Minister, Peter Dutton, during a censure motion  against him,  was  heard  say  he would  not  let  refugees on Nauru  use  self   harm  as  a ROWT   to  Australia .
A puzzling  account of the heated censure debate , moved by the Greens and  Tasmanian  Independent  Andrew Wilkie,   failed  because the ALP and  Coalition voted against it , Labor's  immigration  spokesman  Richard Marles  quoted as saying  Labor  opposed the  motion, due  to  its " over-egged language."  What?