Thursday, April 13, 2017


Exclusive  scoop  by  mild  mannered  reporter  William  Boot   who  was  soon  to  be sent  overseas  to  cover  looming  wars  in  North  Korea  and  elsewhere  until  a  dramatic  discovery on a  tropical  isle . 

When  the  pelt  and  skin   of  a Duck-Billed  Platypus  was    examined  for the  first  time   back in  Great Britain   in the 1790s , wildlife experts   said  no  such creature   could  possibly exist , that it  was  a fraud made  up  of  bits  and  pieces , possibly by  an Asian  taxidermist .  They , of course , were proved  wrong , there is  such a creature , having  been  shot  in  numbers for its  fur , now struggling  to  exist  in   Australia's   polluted  waterways .

 Undoubtedly due to swimming in   toxic  waters,  some of  the   poor monotremes   have mutated  and   developed wings , above .  Shaking like a  leaf,  I snapped this  specimen  with my Box Brownie  after  gathering  nature notes on the nudist  beach  on   Magnetic  Island ,  North Queensland .

I had been sent to the island   from Townsville   with   firm instructions from  my boss,  media magnate , Lord Copper , he  just back from an extended honeymoon with  a plump  former  P3  girl  , to write  a  series on  dreary  Clean   Coal   Twits.   Apart  from  noisy  Twits , in  plague  proportions in parts of the  nation  ,  I stumbled  upon  the  flying   Platypus   in   Nelly Bay  ,  the  greatest  experience  in  my  life . 
I immediately sent a  coded  text message  to Lord Copper  telling him  to  stick his job as  I am  going to remain on the  island , sunning my  fabulous body at the  nudist  beach , guarding  the  rare  flying Platypus  colony  with  my  double barrel  shotgun, bought at  Lord Copper's expense , along with a year's supply of champers  and   caviar .   
Up, up and away...Platypus  couple  contemplating  take  off and life on aerated  Magnetic  Island , the   latest   trendy  destination  for  monotremes.