Friday, June 16, 2017


Leaked explosive  KGB  photographs  will  make  Donald Trump  im-peach-able or   just  plain  fruity ,  nutty , vitamin C freak .
In a  secret , heavily guarded  KGB  leafy  dacha, on  the side of the  fast flowing Volga  River , Donald Trump, codenamed  Mad Mandarin  of  Manhattan ,  is  shown here , the central  dyed-hair  figure,   with   key members of   his  election committee  plotting   with  the Russians  to   steal the  American  presidential  election from   Hillary Clinton .  The  burley , scare-faced   person  in the background is simply identified  as  a  Russian spook , known  as   Ivan  the Terrible. 

 Later on, the Chinese  eavesdropped on  proceedings from a nearby  water jar  in the background , right , and  a cutting edge  FBI microphone, looking like a midget , female  Emperor  Penguin,  was  found  snuggled up  to the  power mad Mandarin , purring like a pussycat,  catching  every  incriminating  word  of  the  treacherous  plot on  tape , soon to be played across the nation .